
Bourbon Giveaway! All proceeds to benefit HOIDSA! Tickets are $25.

Beyond Down Syndrome

Plans and Actions for Independence at Every Stage of Life: Down Syndrome and Dementia

Alzheimer’s in adults with Down syndrome

University of Washington in St. Louis Research into Alzheimer’s in adults with Down syndrome

Bourbon raffle at Crusens Alzheimer’s in adults with Down syndrome The Lucky Few Podcast Down Syndrome: Guidelines for Inclusive Education

Bourbon raffle at Crusens

Heart of Illinois Downs Syndrome Association (HOIDSA) and Crusens have teamed up for the next 6 weeks for a Bourbon Giveaway! All proceeds to benefit HOIDSA! All 3 Crusens locations will be selling $25 raffle tickets to WIN Bourbon! Winners will be drawn on April 14th at Crusens War Memorial!

"Improving the quality of life of persons with down syndrome by providing support, advocacy, and educational opportunities to those individuals"

Medical Professionals

Medical Professionals

Accurate, balanced, and up-to-date information about Down syndrome



Resources and materials to educate and support students with Down syndrome



Information, resources, and programs for parents and grandparents

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